Cullen Robert Swanson arrived on March 13th at 12:45p.m. He weighs 6lbs 5oz, was 18.5” long, and is healthy. It was an unbelievable experience and everything went very smoothly. It all started out early in the morning and the day is a bit hazy, but here is the story.
Lisa got up to use the bathroom at 3:45am, no big deal, this has become a common occurrence the last nine months. I thought it was a bit weird when she got up again 10 minutes later. These concerns were confirmed when there was a shout from the bathroom….”I think my water broke”. Oh shit, its go time. We arrived at the hospital at 4:30a.m. and were ushered up to the labor and delivery floor. The nurse on duty confirmed that Lisa’s water had indeed broke and we would be having a baby today. ….deep breath, deep breath, we’re good.
At 8:30 Lisa’s OB, Dr. Kuffel, made her appearance. Lisa was extremely excited to see her, almost to the verge of tears ,as she walked in. Dr Kuffel is a rockstar and as Lisa has been seeing her a few times a month for the last nine months she brought a much needed level of comfort. Lisa’s at ease attitude quickly diminished as Dr. Kuffel informed her that she was dilated to 7cm and 90% effaced. She had been at 4cm an hour and a half earlier. The tension in the room rose as Lisa began to worry that she might miss her window for an epidural. The nurses were scurrying around bringing in bags of fluid as Lisa continued asking about the epidural. They reassured her that there would be no problems and the tension subsided.
Dr. Kuffel had to take off for her morning appointments and informed Lisa that she hoped to be here for the delivery, but had a very important meeting at 1pm and there was a chance she wouldn’t be here. Lisa responded that coincidentally she had an appointment with her today at 10am and she would try her best to get this guy out in her appointment time slot. This was met with uproarious laughter from the nurses and Dr. Kuffel.
Our anesthesialogist , Dr Carlyle showed up 20minutes later to administer the epidural. The epidural is a catheter located in the spine that blocks sensation from the stomach down. He immediately lightened the mood by commenting on what a great back Lisa had. Lisa quickly responded , “imagine Dr Carlyle on vacation, sitting around a pool, commenting on peoples backs, “ooh check out her back“, or “damn look at his back.” Once again uproarious laughter. She and the Dr. went back and forth the entire time, with Lisa sharing stories of friends epidurals and he sharing some of his stories. He finished up about 45 minutes later. Although, he did come visit us in the post-partum ward later on to see how we were doing and inform us what a great time he had with us.
Lisa’s 10am appointment came and went with no baby. She sat comfortably in the bed and I sat, somewhat comfortably, in a chair watching “3 Men and A Baby”. At 11am the nurses noticed that Lisa’s contractions were coming more frequently and began preparing the room for delivery….oh shit, deep breath, deep breath were good.
The time is now 11:15 and the nurses inform Lisa that she is now fully dilated and her cervix is gone. I immediately rush to the bathroom. They inform Lisa that it is time to start pushing. For the weak stomached ( I used to be in this camp) I will skip many of the details of the last hour and a half. Dr Kuffel arrived at 12ish and informed us that things were going well. She removed her watch at 12:30 and we knew it was go time. Cullen was delivered at 12:45. Dr. Kuffel, would later inform us that she was only five minutes late for her meeting, but had a real good excuse. We couldn’t have agreed more.
Lisa, Dirk,
Congratulations! What a cute little hunk. No question Cullen has benefited greatly from the lovely genes of the Lavignes ;) We love the narrative Dirk. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to maintain and perfect your site and journalism skills when getting up repeatedly during the middle of the night to tend to young Cullen. Lisa, you crack us up; it's good to hear that you maintained your sense of humor right to the very end. Surely, Cullen will inherit a great sense of humor of his own and like his parents, provide much joy for years to come. Cullen, welcome to a large, very large, family of friends and loving relatives. You're going to love your parents and grandparents, because they are some of the best people we know. We're all truly blessed with your healthy arrival. God Bless.
With Love,
Angie and Brian Brieske
Lisa & Dirk,
I just got done viewing the pics of your beautiful little boy - Cullen. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
All the pics are great and are the start of a huge life long memory of parenthood.
We wish you all the very best for your new family of three.
Love always,
Ric, Lori, & the whole Hamel Clan
Congratulations, Dirk and Lisa! He is a gorgeous baby! Let us know if you need any advice over the next few weeks (now that we're "experts" after 9 weeks....HA, HA!!).
Sarah, Spencer, and Griffin Schumacher
Dirk and Lisa
He is absolutely beautiful!! He does look like his daddy but the cute-ness is surely from his beautiful mommy!!
Can't wait till lil' Cullen Robert and Parks Robert are old enough to cruize up and down Nakomis together on their hotwheels and tear up the "hood" like Cullens good ol' dad use to do!!
Lisa - no one should look that good right after giving birth!! Leave it to you to do it with beauty and grace and look the part too!!
Looking forward to years and years of fun, friendship and laughter!!
The Tobins
Tracy, Roxie, Livia and Parks
Lisa and Dirk,
What a doll; we thoroughly enjoyed the commentary. Congratulations! I probably shouldn't mention this, in your delicate state, but we see Grandpa LaVigne in the mouth and chin.
Grandparents, you are in for the sweetest moments of your life.
Sis and Darrell
yay - baby!!!
wow.....what an incredible sight to see!! he is TOO cute and looks to have a little bit of swanson eyes from the get-go. we can't wait to meet cullen and see both of you very soon. lisa - get that feeding out of the way so we can celebrate with a little wine...don't want the boy gettin' on the sauce too early in life!
love you all - -
aunt t & uncle j!!
Congratulations Dirk and Lisa on your new baby boy. Cullen is just beautiful. Thank you also for sharing (what Ben called Dirk, a "instant replay") of this very special day. Continue to keep all the stories and pictures of this little guy coming. We can't wait to meet him.
God bless and love,
Rebecca and Ben
Lisa and Dirk, what a terrific contribution you made to the world! Cullen is adorable, I would have expected nothing less. I look forward to reading more about how all of you are coping on your extraordinary journey together. Congratulatioins!
Kateri and John
Congrats to you both from us here on the Big Island....
Nick says he is too good looking to be Dirk's baby! Ha ha
Lots of love to you both and the newby...
Nick and Brooke
Dear Lisa and Dirk,
Congratulations!!!! Lisa, you look amazing, it's not right for a new mommie to photograph so well right after giving birth. Dirk, you look good too. :)
Cullen is beautiful. He's a great addition to the family and we can't wait to meet him.
Greg, Linda, Alex, and Griffin
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