Thursday, February 4, 2010

What happens when Mom's in Vegas.....

Cullen and I have been enjoying a boys weeks, while Mom introduces our unborn child to "Sin City". So, if we are blessed with a daughter, and the first thing she does is reach for a pole, we know where to look. As for Cullen and I, we've been enjoying some quality male bonding time. Spending our time engaging in your typical testosterone laced activities, such as, singing the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and skipping around the house yelling "Neigh." Alright, we have also mixed in some basketball and milk chugging. The week flew by, but we are excited for Mom's return tomorrow night.

The following pictures were from our nephew Jameson's 1st Birthday. As you can see, our little guy is quite the ladies man. A chip off the old block.

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