Sunday, April 6, 2008

Head West Young Man

Cullen spent the weekend in, what his mother refers to as the homeland, Minneapolis. It was an extremely enjoyable weekend in which he was introduced to both of his Minnesota great grandmothers, relatives, and numerous new friends. He was extremely excited about the numerous gifts and compliments that he received. I was uncomfortable with the University of Minnesota onesie he received and will probably need psychological help to cope with the sight of my son sporting the maroon and gold.
Then, to add insult to injury, I come to find that Grandpa Flyer, as Mark wants to be known, has been whispering the name of Minnesota’s mascot in Cullen’s ear as he sleeps. Ugh, I now live with the mortal fear that the first word uttered from my son’s lips will be “Goldie.” Lisa on the other hand is on cloud nine.

*** We have been asked about prints of our pictures. The pictures are linked to our online album. Click on any picture and it will take you there and orders can be placed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best blog thus far. Grandpa Flyer? Wow! Cullen also looks pretty happy looking at Drew's Minnesota Hockey shirt.